November 27, 2014

November 2014 Net Worth Update (+7,220.55)

Happy Thanksgiving! November was a good month for our net worth. It increased $7,220.55 over last month, to a total of $293,750.08 (see table below).

What Worked
My wife earned a $12,490 gross ($7,664.17 net) quarterly bonus. We used this money to pay some of our 0% credit card balance down, deposited a bit into savings, and paid an additional $1,100 to our home mortgage. We contributed $617.20 to our retirement accounts in November and the total balance increased $4,577.35 to $138,021.77. I also moved my old company 401(k) balance ($68,291.73) to traditional IRA with Vanguard.

What Didn’t Work
We purchased a new (used) vehicle adding $26,000 in debt to our liabilities. Thankfully, they gave us $5,000 trade-in for our 2006 Honda Accord (120Kmiles) that was pretty beat up and needed ~$1,200 is work.

Next Month
December should be a pretty typical month. We plan to keep the Christmas presents affordable, but thoughtful.

Assets Oct-14 Nov-14 Change % Change
401(k) Accts       76,840.58         8,548.85     (68,291.73) -798.84%
Roth IRAs       10,891.89       11,322.39            430.50 3.80%
Traditional IRAs       45,711.95     118,150.53       72,438.58 61.31%
Taxable Brokerage Accts         1,148.00            898.53          (249.47) -27.76%
Cash & Savings Accts         7,814.70         9,152.70         1,338.00 14.62%
Son's 529 Plan / Upromise       10,576.31       11,034.39            458.08 4.15%
Daughter's 529 Plan / Upromise         3,313.44         3,457.07            143.63 4.15%
Home     489,000.00     489,000.00                    -   0.00%
Car 1                    -         30,000.00       30,000.00 100.00%
Car 2         8,610.33                    -         (8,610.33) 100.00%
Car 3       13,859.24       13,720.65          (138.59) -1.01%
Total Assets     667,766.44     695,285.11       27,518.67 3.96%
Liabilities Oct-14 Nov-14 Change % Change
Credit Card Balances         9,834.11         5,883.31       (3,950.80) -67.15%
Home Mortgage     371,402.80     369,651.72       (1,751.08) -0.47%
Car 1 Loan                    -         26,000.00       26,000.00 100.00%
Car 2 Loan                    -                      -                      -   0.00%
Car 3 Loan                    -                      -                      -   0.00%
Total Liabilities     381,236.91     401,535.03       20,298.12 5.06%
Net Worth     286,529.53     293,750.08         7,220.55 2.46%


J. Money said...

Congrats on the increase!

I just added you to our Blogger Net Worth Tracker List :)

Here's to another great month!

1MansMoney said...

Thanks, J. Money! I appreciate you including me.