October 30, 2014

October 2014 Net Worth Update (-6,226.76)

The first month of me not working was a tough one financially. In October, our net worth decreased $6,226.76, to a total of $286,529.53 (see table below).

What Worked
We saw small gains in our IRA’s, savings, and 529 Plans.

What Didn’t Work
We contribution at total of $242.50 to our retirement accounts, but saw them decrease $566.41. Our 0% credit card balance increased due to purchasing a new HVAC system.

Next Month
November should go a little better because my wife will earn a quarterly bonus of ~$12K gross. We plan to use the proceeds to pay down our 0% credit card debt from the HVAC system.

Assets Sep-14 Oct-14 Change % Change
401(k) Accts       77,552.57       76,840.58          (711.99) -0.93%
Roth IRAs       10,764.61       10,891.89            127.28 1.17%
Traditional IRAs       45,693.65       45,711.95              18.30 0.04%
Taxable Brokerage Accts         1,148.00         1,148.00                    -   0.00%
Cash & Savings Accts         7,720.37         7,814.70              94.33 1.21%
Son's 529 Plan / Upromise       10,445.00       10,576.31            131.31 1.24%
Daughter's 529 Plan / Upromise         3,297.21         3,313.44              16.23 0.49%
Home     489,000.00     489,000.00                    -   0.00%
Car 2         8,697.30         8,610.33            (86.97) -1.01%
Car 3       13,999.23       13,859.24          (139.99) -1.01%
Total Assets     668,317.94     667,766.44          (551.50) -0.08%
Liabilities Sep-14 Oct-14 Change % Change
Credit Card Balances         3,509.80         9,834.11         6,324.31 64.31%
Home Mortgage     372,051.85     371,402.80          (649.05) -0.17%
Car 2 Loan                    -                      -                      -   0.00%
Car 3 Loan                    -                      -                      -   0.00%
Total Liabilities     375,561.65     381,236.91         5,675.26 1.49%
Net Worth     292,756.29     286,529.53       (6,226.76) -2.17%

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