April 30, 2012

April 2012 Net Worth Update (+2,363.13)

In April, our Net Worth increased $2,363.13 from last month, to a total of $161,722.54 (click on spreadsheet below). 
What Worked
We had a great visit with my family when they came into town.  My father passed away two weeks after the visit, so it was very nice to see him one last time.  His passing is a reminder to me that saving for retirement is important, but so is enjoying your life along the way. 

What Didn’t Work
We contributed a total of $1,434.26 our retirement accounts, but only saw them increase $781.27 to $52,224.14 total.

Next Month
May will hopefully be an opportunity to pay down some of our 0% credit card debt since I receive a third “extra” check.  We have until April 2013 for the 0% interest offer, but want to get it paid off as soon as possible.


Eric said...

Good to see that your networth continues to increase month over month.

Simple yet effective excel. I like it.

1MansMoney said...

Thank you Eric. We are happy with the continued growth and are on track to hit our net worth goal of $173,200 this year.

BTW - I stole the excel format from 2millionblog.com. ;)