In addition to our regular paychecks, my wife earned a Q2 2011 bonus $1,006.83 gross ($937.87 net)! These funds will go into savings for now, but are earmarked for a 529 plan for our son. She also received a $25 reimbursement from her company for internet. We earned $170 in credit card cash back rewards and sold a portable A/C unit for $175. My wife scored us a $50 target gift card for giving blood. We also earned $25.09 in interest income from our online savings account.
We gave in to some serious communism this month - $9,022.40 worth to be exact. Some of the bigger ticket items include a $2,715.30 watch for my wife (retails for $4,200), a $532.50 gun for me, a $250 shooting range membership for me, $147.72 for a friend’s wedding shower, $106.46 for a new safe, and much, much more. Hopefully, we got it out of our systems.
September will announce the arrival of our baby boy - we are so excited. With the birth comes a few costs: $400 balance due to doula and $1,850 for cord blood banking. We also need to add the baby to my wife’s insurance so that will increase from $75/month to $325/month. Once the baby is born, my wife will take 3 months off of work using a combination of PTO, short term disability (full pay), Paid Family Leave (55% of your highest gross quarter). As a result, our income will be a bit less until December.

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